Sailing with purpose.

Living life on our sailboat “Anchored in Hope” as we take the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the World. One person at a time.

Our Story

cropped Indigo Anchored In Hope Logo Indigo 1

After (like so many others) losing everything when the COVID-19 pandemic decimated our business and wiped out our savings the prospect of starting over seemed like an impossible thing to do.

Throughout the devastation and loss that we experienced, God reminded us that we can look to Him for hope. Heb 6:19 has been a constant theme in our walk throughout this difficult time.

 We have this hope as an anchor for the soul

Hebrews 6:19

So when God changed our direction and gave us a sailboat we named her “Anchored in Hope”.

We have faced childhood trauma, abuse, and rape and have seen the after-effects of trauma in others. Our journey has taken us on an unexpected path of hope and restoration and by sharing our story this way, we’re praying that your hope will be restored; just as God is restoring ours.

Explore our world


We spend time with the Lord, reflecting on His Word and worshipping Him with our lives.

Off the deep end

Ministry Activities.

Galley creations

A well-fed crew is a happy crew. Let’s eat!

Recent posts…

Read about our travels on Anchored in Hope, boat life, galley cooking, and projects, and reflect with us on the Word of God. Here are some of the latest ramblings.

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