We saw our Sailboat (Anchored In Hope) for the first time in August 2020. She was moored at the Royal Cape Yacht Club in Cape Town – also known as “The Tavern of the Seas”. It was the first time we had ever been near a yacht club or a sailboat for that matter. We walked down the dock past all these beautiful Sailboats moored on either side of the dock. It was huge and so intimidating for someone who had never known this life. I never imagined that I would find myself in a place like this.
The Yacht Club itself is beautiful. I was blown away by the gorgeous bathrooms and showers separated for males and females. My husband says the bathroom for the men was just as gorgeous in design as the female section I had just visited. The club also sports a beautiful restaurant that has the most delicious food, drinks and desserts.

The club has a rich history and was founded as the Table Bay Yacht Club in 1905 housed in a waterside boatshed. The hive of activity during our stay was fascinating. It was oddly satisfying to watch the hustle and bustle while each of the vessels tied to the dock was being serviced or repaired in preparation for their next voyage. There is racing every week and it was the highlight of our day, watching as the yachts would glide past us as they went into Table Bay. I felt like a child waiting for them to return while dreaming of our own departure from this safe haven to uncharted seas.
We learned that the club had gone through numerous iterations from the boatshed where it all started to where swing moorings had to make way for the modern marina you see today when visiting the club. The club is proudly associated with the annual Cape to Rio race across the Atlantic and you will see and hear a lot about this famous event if you visit Royal Cape.

The Royal Cape Yacht Club sits at the foot of Africa. When you step out of your boat in the morning the majestic Table Mountain will greet you in all its glory. It’s amazing how you can walk into the Yacht Club and completely forget about the bustle of Cape Town and the harbour right outside these docks. This club is the ideal place for sailors looking for shelter from stormy weather and is a must-see for every yachtsman who visits South Africa. They have hosted many weary sailors and its doors are always open to you and yours.
We stayed at the Royal Cape Yacht club for about a month while we prepared Anchored in Hope for her certificate of fitness that we needed before we could sail her. We really enjoyed our stay, and the excellent facilities include a chandlery and boatyard. The club is in close proximity to a host of marine suppliers in Paarden Eiland where you can source just about anything for your yacht. The relaxed atmosphere at the club was the ideal introduction we needed to get used to sailing life and well worth a visit.
Cape Town is well known for its tourist attractions and the Royal Cape makes the perfect base for yachties to explore the city. It is in close proximity to the V&A waterfront and it is easy to get around using ride-sharing apps.
I am looking forward to sharing the rest of our travels with you. So, hop aboard and come share in the joys of hoisting our sails as we sail the Western Cape waiting for a weather window to shoot across the Atlantic.