The road least traveled

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I don’t know about you, but I have found myself on the wrong path many times.

It’s a funny thing about being on the wrong path. It’s a popular path, wide open and so crowded with friends, family, and even other Christians like me. It is full of other people making bad choices, just like me. The wrong path has loads of space, it’s wide open and can accommodate many people. The path is smooth, with no gravel.

It’s an easy path, easy to find, and easy to hold onto. It’s beautiful like a newly laid four-lane highway, with no obstacles and signs leading the way.

The right path, however, is a different story. It’s narrow, full of obstacles and loose gravel. Like a one-lane dirt road, and the people are few. This is a hard, much more difficult path to travel down. Traveling this path can lead you to a life that brings life, it gives you undeserved grace. It is a path that will lead to a day that will bring no pain, no fear no sadness. It’s a long hard journey but like any journey when traveling alone, the road is long.

But not this journey, this path you never travel on your own. It’s a path of promise in the midst of despair.

It is a destination where you take your life out of your hands and you put it into the Hands of God…

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