I started my journey with God when I was a young girl. On my life journey, inside the darkness even in my hiding times. God has always loved me always called me. Sometimes I needed a gentle nudge forward and sometimes my nudge required a push, but I knew with Jesus I would always get to the place I wanted to be most, at the feet of my King.
If ever someone ever searched for me, I wanted to be found at the feet of my king.
As I became older and got to know God, I realized that my strength was not in my ability, it was in the ability of a Good Good Father. A Father that is far greater than I, He rushed through my veins and changed everything about me. A King that called me from the womb, who knew who I would become, the mistakes I would make but still, He chose me first.
If I had listened earlier, I might have avoided some of my journey’s mistakes, but I can not deny the strength I have gained by the faith that has matured within me, through each of the steps I have made along the way. If I look back I would want to change some things. For instance, surrender faster, not fight so hard for some stuff that I should have released a long time earlier. Today I can see in hindsight and I can only say thank you Jesus, what would I do without Thee.
With Jesus
In some storms, Jesus will stop the wind and remove the rain. In others, you need to buckle down hold on to Jesus, and trust that He can get you through.
So today on this boat in the storm raging outside, I have no fear. Not because I have a misguided faith in a God that can not be seen, but because of a Jesus that has taken my hand in many storms. In some of those storms, he stopped the wind and removed the rain. In others I needed to buckle down and hold on to my Saviour and trust He can get me through.
Dear Lord, please guide each of your girls to safety. The Women who feel as if this journey is hard, show them that You are not far from them. When they open their eyes to see they will feel every breath and confirm every heartbeat within them. Show them every victory, every joy, every good thing in their lives comes from You. Thank You Father for keeping them under your wings. Amen