As a godly woman, God has entrusted a part of His Kingdom to you. God expects us to steward well. He trusts you to take care of that portion of the Kingdom that He has entrusted you with.
As women, we are often burdened with a yearning to do something. Our hearts want to give birth to something that God has placed there…
For every beast of the forest is Mine, the cattle on a thousand hills. I know every bird of the mountains, And everything that moves in the field is Mine. If I were hungry I would not tell you, for the world is Mine, and all it contains.
Psalm 50:10-12
As humans, we make mistakes – even if we don’t want to admit to them. God knows this, but still, He trusts us to do the right thing. The only way that we will be good stewards of the Kingdom is when we get to know God. If we get close to Him. If you’re in an intimate relationship with God, you will know how He would want things to be handled.
Isn’t awesome though that God, through His grace, gives us executive privileges. You have been given the power to make decisions about this kingdom that has been entrusted to you. You determine the direction. You have the outcome in your hands. You are the architect.
You’re the architect of the kingdom God entrusted you with. Look to God for His blueprint and your design will fit perfectly His.
Father, I pray that you will instil in me the discipline and diligence to be a faithful steward of Your kingdom. Give me the wisdom to be a studious representative of You in this life so that my life may be an inspiration to those needing you. May the portion entrusted to me increase so that You will be pleased with me. Amen.