I AM Who Jesus Says I Am

22 Proverbs 1812 Before a downfall the heart is haughty but humility comes before honor.

Hey Girls, here we are on this beautiful Monday morning, I love the sound of birds and wind and we have both on this new day.

Before a downfall the heart is haughty, but humility comes before honor.

– Proverbs 18:12

Today I want to look at Proverbs 18:12 which speaks of a haughty heart, the word says “Before a downfall, the heart is haughty” This indicates blatantly and disdainfully proud: having or showing an attitude of superiority and contempt for people or things perceived to be inferior haughty aristocrats haughty young beauty … never deigned to notice us— Herman Melville. 

When we start thinking “I’m all that!” we start treading dangerous waters. This high pedestal we have placed ourselves on is the place from which we will have our downfall. Putting our ego “Pride” first, will start our crash and burn fall, but living in humility will be our forerunner to honour.

“Pride makes us artificial and humility makes us real.”

– Thomas Merton

Dear Lord, help us to always remember that you know the pitfalls that lay ahead of us and You want the best for us. Help us to heed Your words so that we can remain in Your will for our lives, Amen.

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