You are Called More Than Enough

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As I reflect on the words, “You are called more than enough,” I am reminded of the profound truth that my worth is not defined by my own perception or the world’s standards. Just as the Scripture in Psalm 139:14 assures me, “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”

My Creator fashioned me with care, and my true beauty emanates from being a reflection of His love. Lord, help me to embrace this truth fully, that my value isn’t solely based on external appearances, but on the immeasurable love You have lavished upon me. May I see myself through Your eyes and radiate the beauty of Your grace, compassion, and kindness to others. In moments of doubt, let me remember Your words and find strength in Your promises.

Dear God, I pray for the wisdom to carry this message with me always, uplifting others with the understanding that their worth is not confined to what they see in the mirror. May my life be a testament to Your transformative power, and may my actions reflect the love that You have poured into my heart. Thank You for calling me more than enough and for showing me the beauty that truly matters. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

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