A Strong woman doesn’t see her scars as defeat, but as a victory. She faced the enemy and won.
Hasn’t it happened so many times that you walk out of work and you carry the scars of the day even the week as it was accumulating to this huge mountain of scars in front of you? From Monday all the way to Sunday when you sit in church and get the moment to finally just breathe.
Or You have looked after the kids and the crying and the tantrums are just so much you just can’t deal with it today.
Or maybe it’s been one of those defeating wars that trauma/sickness came your way and dropped you straight on your back.
It doesn’t matter how you got here. The fact is that we are a chosen generation of women who have walked in the footsteps of many women who have come before us. We know defeat but we also know victory.
This is one more scar to put on your belt of victories. You might be a little bit bruised but believe me, if you can stand, you got it going, girl.