About us

Welcome aboard

Hi there. My Name is Gwen du Preez (everyone calls me Gwennie). I am married to Andre and we are on a mission to sail around the world while ministering and preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ to everyone we meet. I am a full-time pastor, counsellor, blogger and now also a liveaboard sailor.

Andre Gwen
Andre and Gwen du Preez

We set sail for the first time aboard our sailboat Anchored in Hope, on the 5th of November 2020. It was our first sail and I felt so brave as I had never sailed before. We sailed from the Royal Cape Yacht Club to Houtbay in the Western Cape of South Africa.

Since that first sail, we have hoisted our sails and raised our anchor many times – sailing more than 2000 nm along the South African West Coast while ministering to those God sends on our path.

We have now seen South Africa from a new angle. Over the years we have looked at the ocean with our feet securely on land, I never imagined the life we would experience from this side of the photograph.

The Western Cape has been amazing and I can never look forward to a time in my future when being on the water in this space so dependent on the mercy of God, is anything but amazing. Even though we have been through some harrowing experiences we have always known that God will not bring us this far to leave us alone.

Sleeping on Anchor most of the time, has humbled us. We knew when God called us to do this, we would be called to a more intimate relationship with God. I can say honestly that is what has made this journey worth it. Knowing God so intimately has changed my and Andre’s life.

We know today that we have too much to lose to turn back now. That is why we set our sights on the next horizon as we sail further. Our dream – is to circle the globe while preaching the gospel and sharing the love of Christ with one person at a time.

We can no longer take the easy way out, not because of what we can gain being in a house working for a paycheck.. but what our soul loses when that moment arrives and we realise God sent someone else to do what we were chosen for.

Be Blessed

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. What exactly do you do?

God gave us a mission to sail the world and to preach the gospel.
Jesus JunXion is a Christian non-profit that we started in 2011 which has over the years made a difference in various communities.
With Anchored in Hope, we can travel to really remote places to continue doing the work God has called us for.


We can’t. We have lost our business and all our savings. We work while we travel to sustain ourselves. We rely heavily on support from people like you. On the Support Us page, you can read about ways in which you can contribute to this ministry.

3. Have you ever been in danger? 

Since starting this journey on Anchored in Hope we have found ourselves in various situations where we were in physical danger from storms, waves and winds.
When you do God’s work, we find that you also enjoy His protection. If we ever end up in a dangerous situation we believe that God will determine the outcome for His glory.

4. How did you get your sailboat?

Anchored in Hope is a small sailboat that came onto our path when her previous owner sadly passed away after losing his battle with cancer. We changed her name because she gave us hope when she became our home in a time of despair.