An Ocean sunrise

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We woke up early today, I feel like a child this morning waiting for a present. It was still dark outside but the world came to life as the sun edged its way across the sky. I don’t if you have ever noticed but the chill in the air is at it’s worst just before the sun rises. Almost as if the world is letting you know. “Prepare yourself for your biggest moment of this day”

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I know I keep saying that it can’t get better than this, but then God shows me just how marvelous the works of His hands are and comes up with another magnificent portrait of the sky.

It’s a start of a new day with a new work week ahead. We took the weekend off so today we are back to ministry work including washing of clothes, trying our hand at some fishing, and making some vetkoek from this brilliant recipe I got from a friend.

Hope to see you on the water guys, wishing you all fair winds and following seas.

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