
What to write... I think many of us when faced with the prospect of putting ourselves on a page come up empty.  I am Gwen, the wife of an amazing husband.  I have two wonderful children of my own and Andre has three beautiful girls. I am the grandmother of 7 grandkids.   I have loved God my whole life, I can't remember a time without God. He has been the air that I breathe since I can remember.  Today Andre and I are doing the one thing I never thought I would have the courage to do.  We are sailing. Living on our boat full time, while we tell the world why He is worth serving.

Winter is here

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We woke to a dreamy ocean this morning, its ebbing tide lapping softly against the hull. The birds came to life as the world around us awakened. In the dark, I could see rivers of light pulsating across the water as the sun rose. The day dawned crisp and clear. It seems so wrong to

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