The Latest from Anchored in Hope
Anchored in the Light
I look up at the sky, watching as night surrenders to the coming dawn. It…
God Has Called Us to Trust, Not Tremble
Peter knew what it was to tremble. He stepped out onto the water, eyes locked…
The Boogeyman of My Past
I can’t rewrite the past. I can’t unmake the mother I was. But I can…
“Love Taps From Jesus”
The Greatest Gift of All
How did Jesus feel when he knew that he was born to die, that his…
In Jesus I Found My Missing Piece
He wasn’t just a piece; He was the missing piece that brought clarity to my…
A Seed of Perseverance
Seeds of perseverance, planted during times of hardship, have the potential to grow into a…
“I Declare”
I Declare I am a woman of noble Character
It’s time we declared this as who we are, not who we aim to be,…
I Declare I Am blessed
Blessed and greatly favoured are those who dwell in Your house and Your presence; They…
I Declare That I Am Not Alone
That says Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am…
“Off the deep end”
Winter is here
We woke to a dreamy ocean this morning, its ebbing tide lapping softly against the…
An Ocean sunrise
Sunrise on the water is new every day.
The cold is here to stay…
winding down a Sunday night with pancakes.
Galley Creations
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