The Latest from Anchored in Hope
The Gift Jesus Gave – Joy
I’ve come to see how easy it is for us to struggle with allowing…
The Gift Jesus Gave – Hope
But as I sit here on this rocking boat, I’m reminded of a different kind…
The Gift Jesus Gave – Faith
Christmas reminds us that faith isn’t always loud or bold; sometimes, it’s quiet and steady….
“Love Taps From Jesus”
The Greatest Gift of All
How did Jesus feel when he knew that he was born to die, that his…
In Jesus I Found My Missing Piece
He wasn’t just a piece; He was the missing piece that brought clarity to my…
A Seed of Perseverance
Seeds of perseverance, planted during times of hardship, have the potential to grow into a…
“I Declare”
I Declare I am a woman of noble Character
It’s time we declared this as who we are, not who we aim to be,…
I Declare I Am blessed
Blessed and greatly favoured are those who dwell in Your house and Your presence; They…
I Declare That I Am Not Alone
That says Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am…
“Off the deep end”
Winter is here
We woke to a dreamy ocean this morning, its ebbing tide lapping softly against the…
An Ocean sunrise
Sunrise on the water is new every day.
The cold is here to stay…
winding down a Sunday night with pancakes.
Galley Creations
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