Morning Girls, I’m thrilled about this series, so much so that I’ve put all my other posts on hold just to share this one with you. It’s one of those topics that God lies on your heart, gradually igniting excitement and anticipation until your own plans pale in comparison. Initially, I had a different plan for my next series, but God in His Majesty is always providing what His children truly need, knew what I needed, what you needed, and He orchestrated it perfectly, even revealing a prophecy for a friend that sparked something profound within me and lit the spark for the next few weeks of posts.
As I focused on delivering the word God had for her, God began stirring something deep within my own soul. Now, as I prepare the research to embark on this journey with you, my heart overflows with excitement and anticipation. While my initial focus was on presenting facts and messages, I now sit on the edge of my chair in anticipation of what God has in store for us.
Welcome to my new series of posts, exploring one of the most awe-inspiring themes found within the pages of Scripture – the Breath of God. Within these sacred pages, we encounter the tangible presence of our Creator, revealed in His divine exhale that brings forth life, renewal, and transformation.
I want us to continuously pause and reflect on the significance of the Breath of God throughout this series. In Genesis 1:2 (NIV), we read: “Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.” Here, at the dawn of creation, we witness the stirring of God’s Spirit, moving like a gentle breeze over the face of the deep, bringing order out of chaos and light out of the darkness.
From the beginning of time till now, God’s breath has been keeping everything alive and going. It’s the same breath that gave life to Adam, making humans special because we carry a piece of God’s image within us. It’s also the same breath that inspired prophets to speak out against injustice, led the Israelites through tough times, and even descended upon Jesus like a dove when He was baptized.
In the Psalms, we see people praising and marveling at the amazing power and grace of God’s breath. Psalm 33:6 (NIV) says, “By the word of the Lord the heavens were made, their starry host by the breath of his mouth.” This verse shows us how God’s breath brought the whole universe to life and keeps everything in motion, like a dance of stars in the sky.
In the New Testament, we see a new side of God’s breath when the Holy Spirit comes down at Pentecost. Acts 2:2-4 (NIV) describes it like this: “Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.” This was a moment when God’s breath lit a fire in the hearts of believers, giving them the power to spread the good news of Jesus with courage and confidence.

I have broken our series up into the below topics which we will cover over the next couple of weeks:
The Breath of Creation
In the beginning, when chaos danced upon the waters, God leaned close and breathed life into formless dust. His breath sculpted Adam—a masterpiece of flesh and spirit. In that sacred exhale, humanity emerged, bearing the imprint of the Divine Artist. We are, quite literally, God-breathed beings (Genesis 2:7).
The Breath of Promise
As the ages unfolded, God’s breath carried promises across deserts and through storms. It whispered hope to Abraham, courage to Moses, and solace to the brokenhearted. When the Israelites stood at the edge of the Red Sea, their breaths held in anticipation, God’s breath parted the waters, making way for deliverance (Exodus 14:21).
The Breath of Prophets
Prophets felt the Spirit’s breath upon their lips. Ezekiel stood in the valley of dry bones, and God commanded him to prophesy—to speak life into the lifeless. And so, with trembling lips, Ezekiel breathed hope into the dust, and sinews re-knit, bones rejoined (Ezekiel 37:9).
The Breath of Redemption
Then, in a humble stable, the Word became flesh. The eternal Son of God took His first earthly breath, wrapped in swaddling cloths. The breath of God mingled with the air of Bethlehem, and salvation drew near. Immanuel—God with us—breathed our air, walked our roads, and bore our sins (John 1:14).
The Breath of Pentecost
And on the day of Pentecost, as tongues of fire danced above heads bowed in prayer, the Holy Spirit descended. A mighty rushing wind filled the room, and the disciples, timid and trembling, received the promised Comforter. They inhaled the Spirit’s breath, and suddenly, they were bold, eloquent, aflame with purpose (Acts 2:1-4).
The Breath of Resurrection
In the garden tomb, where death held its breath, Jesus emerged victorious. His resurrection breath shattered the chains of sin and death. The stone rolled away, and life surged forth. The risen Christ breathed on His disciples, and they received the Holy Spirit—an indwelling, life-giving presence (John 20:22).
Our Invitation
And so, dear friends, we stand on holy ground. The breath that stirred the cosmos, that animated prophets and apostles, now animates us. We are vessels—earthen jars—holding the treasure of God’s Spirit (2 Corinthians 4:7). His breath whispers purpose, ignites passion, and calls us to live fully alive.
In this series, “The Breath of God,” we will explore the significance of God’s breath in our lives. As we gather, let us inhale deeply, for the Spirit hovers here. Let us listen, for His breath speaks still. And may our response be a symphony of worship—a harmonious exhale of praise.