Calvary Is my Story

Easter 2

As the weekend starts to wind down and people return to their homes, loved ones say their goodbyes. I can not help but wonder what brought us all together.

The message that this passing week has echoed in my heart and my thoughts. It’s a story often told as a fairytale, a myth mentioned in families carried from generation to generation. A weekend planned with easter egg hunts and laughter around a fire, burning marshmallows and making jokes.

Tonight I reminisce over a week in time that saved my life and turned me from a sinner to a woman saved by grace.

Where a simple man, rides into town on a donkey. People are glad to see Him arrive, just as eager to see Him die, just as disbelieving that He will rise from the dead.

He has risen, yes He’s received the scars in His hands and His sides. Calvary became my story. A man rejected by man, rose from the dead so that I could live.

It’s not a myth it’s about a man who died at calvary, a Saviour, He died for a sinner like me. As Jesus said because He lives, I live.

Calvary became my story

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