Claim Your victory

9.Inside the sadness rise up claim victory over your story.

Life has a way of knocking you down. Over and over. I have been there so many times. Molestation, rape, cancer, abuse, divorce, loss of loved ones, financial stress… the list goes on. God has given me times when everything came easy and I have had to suffer the pain of losing everything. I have had to start over again and again.

Life has not been easy. I have struggled with insecurity, rejection, and hopelessness every day. And boy – don’t try to pick me up when I’m down. Don’t come to me with encouraging words when I don’t want to hear them!

I know that I am not alone in this girlfriend. My sister in faith, you have been facing your own battles. I’m not going to encourage you with a bumper sticker slogan. Just look at what Good did for me…

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

John 1:5 

No matter how dark it becomes for me; when the only sound I can utter is a painful groan… Jesus always gets through to me somehow. He always picks me up again – straightens out my crown, looks me in the eye and says: “You are the daughter of a King! Look! I took the lashes for you. My hands were pierced by nails for you. Rise, My child. I will help you stand. Claim your victory!”

The only reason I find myself living the life I do today is because He picks me up every time. I mean – I get to see the world from a sailboat! My story has become a story of hope and victory. Life is still difficult most days. I still struggle with my insecurities, but I can claim my victory through Him that strengthens me.

Father, you are glorious in the love You have for us. I am an insignificant speck of dust floating around in an immensely big universe. Yet you are interested in everything about me. You delight in me. You sing over me. The hair on my head has been counted. My wellbeing is foremost in your mind. The Lion of Judah lets me ride on His back while He runs in fields of stars! Thank you for spoiling me with Your abundant blessing. I claim my victory in Jesus’ name! Amen.

Birds Gwennie

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