Created to be Strong

16.Your package says strong created by God

Have you received a package in the mail recently? Was it marked as “fragile”? Were the words “Handle with care” printed on the outside? Did the delivery company take good care of that package while on its way to its destination?

As a woman, a mother, a sister and a daughter we have to fulfil many roles. It’s not always easy to go from being the nurse who attends to cuts and bruises to the cook who keeps everyone’s bellies full to being the shoulder to cry on, the rock to lean on, to spoiling the fun when you have to say no.

Life throws curveballs and dishes out pain. Sometimes, when it becomes too much we wish we could just check out. You feel like one of those packages that arrive at its destination looking worse for wear. You know – one of those packages that fell off the truck and got driven over by something.

God knew that as women we would face hardship in this life. As women, we face a different kind of battle. As women, we feel pain a certain way. He created us to have empathy with others (especially our children) – leaving us with more pain when we witness the suffering of others. Our Father made us soft on the inside, but He put us in a package that could take the hard knocks. He created us STRONG!

You are like that package that got its contents to the other side in pristine condition. Somewhere someone had to stick on an extra piece of tape to keep it together, but inside, the content is still in one piece. It fulfilled its purpose.

Father, as I go through this life, I have been bumped and bruised. I have felt pain and heartsore. Thank you for making me strong enough to handle the disappointments, the pain and heartsore that comes from being a woman. Thank you for mending my heart when it gets broken. May my life be a testament to Your loving kindness. Amen.

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