Morning Ladies, here we are a new glorious day, new challenges, for some of us the challenge will continue with our medication, and treatment for illness, for others the struggle is to love the girl looking back at us in the mirror, whatever your challenge is today make sure it always includes drawing closer to God.
Trust in the LORD and do good; dwell in the land and cultivate faithfulness. Delight yourself in the Lord, and Hewill give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the LORD; trust in Him, and He will do it.…
– Psalm 37:3-5
Psalm 37:4 says, “Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.” This does not have to be difficult taking delight in the Lord also means that our hearts can truly find peace and fulfilment in Him.
If we can truly find that satisfaction and worth in Jesus Christ, the word of God says He will give us the desires or yearning of our hearts. Does that mean, I get out of jail free if I do the bare minimum such as weekly church sessions?
Nope, Nada zilch. God’s word in this verse and many like it is saying that, when we seek to delight in our Father, search for Him in our black of night, worship and praise Him even in our broken state, turn to Him first, find Him in the pain, look for Him in the joy. When our day starts with a desire to find Him first, search Him first we will grow to know Him intimately, lovingly, longing that our Father will know that before my restoration Father You are more important to me.
The desires of my heart will grow to become parallel to what my dad has in store for me and then, I will never go unfulfilled. Matthew 6:33 says, “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things [the fundamental need in life/ the light in the dark/the beginning of Hope] will be given to you as well.”
“Hold on dear friend, for this is not the end. You have traveled so far and you have worked so hard. Carry on with courage and do not give up. And not because things will be easy but because these seeds you are sowing matter, and they will grow in time, if you do not lose heart.”
– Morgan Harper Nichols
Ladies, it’s tough to just be in this day and age, just be beautiful, just be healthy, just be loved, but my Father and Your Father which is in Heaven has called you by your name, you are His. You might see a “fat mess, in pain from illness, on your knees abused by man” but God sees You washed by the blood perfect in every way.
Dear Lord, show me how I can draw closer to you, show me how I can see me the way you do so that I may have the strength to walk just one more day Amen.