Don’t miss out

Fearfully 6

I have been thinking about all the haters in the world.

I realized it’s easy to miss your salvation while you are focused on the ideas and opinions of those around you. It’s hard to stand up and proclaim God because it puts you in the unpopular box.

but Jesus warned us, our Father let us know beforehand. He said listen guys this path is narrow, it’s lonely. You will have the world wanting to stone you and there will even be haters amongst your own people.

But do not fear I have overcome the world.. this version of your trip is short and short-lived, soon you will see the full impact of my glory.

We think if it’s going tough we are not hearing right. But the Word says it’s when we are doing the will of our Father that it will be at its hardest. Jesus said we will face persecution because of who He is. So don’t give up don’t look back it’s tough and it’s lonely, but God says soon we will be with Him in paradise.

Birds Gwennie

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