Good Morning Ladies, we had such an awesome word from God the last few days that I just want to give you a quick bite to chew on as your day starts to get busy.
Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position.
– Romans 12:16
Society has put us on different levels, you went to university so are more esteemed then the baker down the street who has worked in his field for the last 50 years. The street sweeper should be seen on a lower level because that is what life has taught us.
Jesus comes and breaks the mould and says I came so that you may have life, each one of us, are given the same society standards, the same value, the same forgiveness, the same love. Then Jesus comes and say’s, of all of the people I have created love them more then you love yourself.
“…we don’t want that kind of a mountain top experience. When a man gets up so high that we cannot reach down and save poor sinners, there is something wrong.”
-D.L. Moody
The standard set for how we are to see the people in our circle is high and God doesn’t ask us to try, Jesus says to do it.
Dear Lord, please help us to remember that You take delight in who we are and how we live to honour You, help us to want to be more like You, Amen