
A Love Tap From Jesus 7

I think this is one of the things I hear a lot in couples counseling…

She/He never forgets what I did wrong and they are always throwing it back in my face. If we allow God to, He can and is able and willing to heal these hurts if we just give it to Him. Love heals these hurts and I know this because 13 years ago Andre and I had marital problems and some stuff happened and we ended it.

A month later we started working on things. The first thing we did was forgive each other, I prayed hard about it and I knew that for our marriage to work I needed to leave things in the past and not throw it up in his face every time we had an argument.

So I gave it to God, it has been 13 years and I can say (this is my proudest achievement as a wife) that I have never brought it up again. We have once spoken about how he thought I would never be able to forgive him and our marriage would end up failing. Other than that, I have loved him, cherished him, and not treated him with any disrespect or hatred.

God restores the pain we cause on our life journey and heals the people who get hurt on the way

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