Good Morning Ladies, my day is up and down today, and the verse of the day seems not far from my mind.
For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.”
– Luke 14:11
This verse is so straightforward we will trip on it if we are not looking where we go. When you are invited to a wedding feast, Jesus says, “Don’t take a seat in the highest room, for you might be embarrassed when a guest of greater honor comes, and the host will ask you to step down.” Rather, take a seat in the lowest room then if you are asked to take a higher seat, you will be honored.
“If you judge people, you have no time to love them.”
– Mother Teresa
When we are not humble, life will humble us. Living a life thinking we are better than others is not of God and whatever we put our hand to will not succeed in the long run.
Dear Lord, help me to always be reminded that I am to live a humble life putting the feelings of the people around me first.