I Can do All Things In Christ Jesus

I Can Do all things in Christ

I have always wondered how people can suffer excruciating torture, and unbearable loss and come out on the other side semi-normal. But what I realise as I have grown in my walk with Christ is that whatever may happen, whatever I have, wherever I am, In suffering or in joy. I can make it through anything if I hold onto the One who makes me who I am

I can do all this through him who gives me strength.

Phillipians 4:13

As women, we were built strong, and we have been given the assurance by Paul in Philippians that says we can do all things, we can stand under any condition, we can love through any hurt, we can do it in Him, our Heavenly Father who gives us strength.

Dear Lord, hold us securely in Your hands Father, so that we may always be assured of Your strength that holds us and secures us. You are our strength, the lover of our souls. Amen

Birds Gwennie

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