I have won the war

A Love Tap From Jesus 6

Now this is a love tap girls, isn’t God so amazing.

Sometimes when we go to battle we return home, battled, bruised, and defeated. BUT God is saying NO…Return Home with your battle cry, shake your booty girls, and do your victory dance people.

Today we will not return defeated we will return in victory but guess what all my battles I have lost, all my tears I have shed, all that loss…

God says I have not only won the battle… I have won the war.


My loss will be regained, I will have more than I had. He has seen my battle cry He has seen my fight and I can now stand and see that God is good, His goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life.

My Prayer… Lord thank You for loving me, I am so undeserving Lord yet You tarry with me. Thank you Jesus that I can know that You have seen my prayers and You are not far from me. Thank you, Lord, that I may know in this day that everything the enemy has stolen from me will be returned in double portions. That my victory dance will not be for what I have lost but what I have gained in You. Amen

Birds Gwennie

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