Big kitchens, big gatherings, families coming together for one common goal… food. That”s what I think of when I think of cooking and all that it represents to me. The first day I stepped onto our boat I was terrified, first I am not the best cook and second, how do i make this work? I now have a kitchen that fits into my pantry back home? This doesn’t take away from how much i need to make this work.
I found myself giving in to that fear wondering will I ever be good enough to do any of this? BUT then God reminded me I don’t need to be good enough, He is enough for the both of us. So I am determined to become a very good cook, to find the cheapest way of feeding us while still keeping our food nutritional and yummy to eat. So hold onto your seats get some popcorn and get ready for the time of your lives. Watch us make fools of ourselves stand up and do it all over again until we elate in our first “that’s not so bad” or maybe just maybe we can do a victory dance because that was actually really good.
I love the song Awake my soul by Chris Tomlin.. one reason is that I have always seen how the most impossible situations have never stopped God. The first time in so many years of illness I finally feel how my grave has finally opened and the things I have seen as impossible have become possible, my dry bones are rising to new possibilities and cooking is just one of them.

– Isaiah 1:19
If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the good things of the land
I ask that you will join me on this journey, be my light as I tread on territory that I do not know, as I walk a path travelled by many but understood by few.