Let God Set You Free

Let God set you free

Do you also feel trapped sometimes? I know I do. You may be stuck in a dead-end job, a relationship or a marriage that is going nowhere. Has your life been ravaged by the onslaught of depression, an illness or an addiction? We may find ourselves in a prison of our own making because of bad choices earlier in life. Whatever it may be, let God set you free.

“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.”

Galatians 5:1

Jesus gave himself in our place so that we may experience the fullness of His grace here on earth. We can rest in His grace and experience complete peace, joy, hope, happiness and of course, the freedom that a life given over to Jesus enjoys.

Nobody said that life is going to be easy, but by giving it all to Him, we can look to our future without the burdens of the past. I’ll take that any day.

Why not stop right now. Take a deep breath. Take a look at all the “stuff!” that is weighing you down. Give it to God right now and walk into tomorrow with new strength and a zest for life.

Lord help me to let go of all the “stuff!” that I cling to that is making me miserable. Take it from me, Father and give me the freedom that only you can give. Amen

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