Lord show me the Path I should Take

Lord show me the Path I should take

Morning ladies, it’s this time of the morning again where you and I can break some bread around the word of God. Where we can peak into David’s prayer in Psalm 143:8. The verse begins with David wanting God to be pleased with him and to show him that he had received acceptance from the ultimate King. He pleads his case before God praying that God would never leave Him.

Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life.

Psalm 143:8

Imagine it, standing before Almighty God and just knowing and trusting that if you are all ears, all eyes before God, you will hear where to go, you will be encouraged to travel the road least travelled. That your night of distress and discouragement shall end in a morning of commiseration and praise.

Remind us Father that those who have You as their God, have Your Spirit as their Guide

by Gwennie

Dear Lord, enlighten us with the knowledge of Your will; strengthen us Father that we do not ask for the easy road to travel, but the right road to travel. Show us what thy will is Father and teach us how to walk it. Remind us Father that those who have You as their God, have Your Spirit as their Guide; we are led by Your Spirit. Enliven us to do Your will, my King. Strengthen us to seek the destruction of our sins, our worst enemy, that we may be devoted entirely to You. Amen

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