Good Morning Ladies, I am so excited, you have all looked so forward to this, and as promised we are starting with our new journey, “Who you are in Christ Jesus?”
Today is the first day of why you are more valuable than rubies, together we will research the word and find why it is so important to know who you are in Christ.
It is so easy for the enemy to convince you of something if you do not know the truth. As I was doing my research about why we as woman are so important to God, I came across a lot of opinions regarding the limitations put on woman.
If I can be honest for a moment?
I have put these same limits on myself, getting stuck on the word that says I must be submissive to my husband (My next research on being submissive will come out soon, and you want to read this as there is something of value to being a woman that is submissive God’s way)
My identity lies in Christ and the image that He sees, sometimes I do not feel like that woman. What I have learnt is that most people are wearing shades and when I look at myself through those shades, only seeing the surface, I do sometimes see myself as weak, flawed, failing in every aspect of my life, as if I were designed with a defect. Sometimes I doubt myself, doubt if I am good enough, doubt that I have any value, that I am beautiful, in those moments I doubt that God could have created me His beloved.
As a woman, I can be so hard on myself. I do not know about you girls. Do you always see who God says you are? The image, the Word of God has been affirmed and affirmed over and over. In these moments I want to grab a pen and start researching how to diet quicker. How to speak better? Or where to buy different eye colours? I am sure we can go on for the rest of the year of everything we feel is going wrong with the image in the mirror.
There are days that I know, that I do not look like Jesus. If I look in the mirror, I do not see Jesus looking back at me. I feel as if I got it wrong and I failed. Whatever makeover, make-up tutorial, haircut, diet, or self-inflicted wound I can muster up, it just won’t be enough… I then just fall to my knees, flat on my face because nothing we do as humans can ever be enough. The outward is not as important anymore, I am left looking for what really matters.

I want to sit at the feet of my Father and ask Him to teach me, reveal to me who He wants me to be, and reveal in me who I am called to be. I do not want to adapt and camouflage any flaws. I want to take out the old and restore it with the new, God’s new.
That leaves us with one thing to do, I want to remind all of us who we are in Christ and why are you God’s masterpiece. A woman called by God for God. Created to grow more like Jesus every day. When the growing towards Jesus stops that is when we have lost it all, that is when everything becomes empty and the striving to fill that space always comes up empty.
While we are still changing still growing, still moving forward we are doing it, bad days and all and that girls, that, is what deserves our victory dance.
If we are to better the future we must disturb the present.
– Catherine Booth
To help put your journey into bite-size chunks I have created who we are in Christ Statements/Declarations. Statements that will remind you when the days are tough who you are in Christ. – Available at the end of our journey…
Why you are a Royal Priesthood, a Masterpiece in the hands of a wonderful, loving Righteous God.
Join me on a journey, one step at a time, steps that will put into perspective who God says you truly are IN CHRIST! Ephesians 2:10 Created by God as His Masterpiece.
Ephesians 2:10 NIV
For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.
Ephesians 2:10 NLV
For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.
– Ephesians 2:10
Dear Lord, as we take this journey with You show us how we can renew our minds and change our lives, so that we live to put You first, Amen.