Inspire Gallery

Share the love!

I love creating these visual quotes and think this is a great way to inspire and encourage people. These images are available for free for everyone to share. My hope is that this will allow you to “preach” the gospel to someone who needs it. Together we may just save lives.

My Inspiration Gallery

My message is normally aimed at my fellow sisters in Christ and the woman who has suffered abuse, depression, and trauma because that is what I have lived and overcome, but I sincerely believe that anyone can find inspiration and acceptance here.

I publish all my designs on Pinterest and I want to encourage you to use Pinterest to share these quotes with anyone and everyone. I design the images around a theme and you will find the images grouped into the different themes that correspond to the themes in my blog.

Click an item in the list below to jump straight to the images for that theme:

I am God’s Masterpiece

I was inspired to do this series to show women that they have a special place in God’s heart. My husband always says that a woman was the last thing that God created. He finished His entire creation and only created the woman after some time – making her the crown jewel of His creation. I am God’s masterpiece tries to show women just how special they are.

I Declare

This is a series of declarations that you or fellow Christians can use to discover your identity in Christ through affirmations. It’s good to look yourself in the mirror and declare “I am a woman of noble character”. Claim it for yourself and walk in the knowledge that through Jesus you are a new creation. I have also published a bible study journal called “I Declare: A 90-day Bible Study Journal for Women” which discusses each of these declarations and lets you journal your thoughts while I guide you to discovering your identity in Christ.

A Love Tap from Jesus

The Love Tap from Jesus was intended to give people a quick reminder that they are loved by Jesus. It could be an inspirational verse or a quote that they are not alone and that a life with Jesus is the only way to live a content, fulfilled life.

I want to thank you right now for sharing these images and partnering with us to change the world by sharing the gospel – one person at a time.


Small Drawn Heart Gwennie1500 × 1200px