Good Morning Ladies, Today, my heart aches with a deep hunger—not for anything this world can offer, but for the presence of our loving Father. I am very rarely alone and today, I find myself alone on Anchored In Hope swaying to the wind and water. There is a stillness that beckons, a quiet reminder to pause and see that God is good. My soul longs to soak in His love, His goodness, and His unchanging faithfulness.
Lord, You are the Great I Am, the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. Before You, the world was a black void—empty of emotion, light, hope, and beauty. But then, You came. Your words ignited creation. Your light pierced through the darkness, and Your love breathed life into what was lifeless.
Join me this morning where you are right now, put on your best worship music and sing out the worthiness of Our Father, our Dad and King. Let us lean into this moment of WORSHIP today. Let us find rest in the arms of the One who transforms the voids in our lives into beauty, light, and hope. In the stillness, let Him fill your heart with His goodness and satisfy the hunger of your soul.
“Be still, and know that I am God.” – Psalm 46:10
Before there was hope, there was hopelessness.
Before there was light, there was darkness.
Before there was peace, there was chaos.
Before there was love, there was emptiness.
And before You spoke, there was nothing.
But – You Breathed
Then You breathed, and the stars were born.
You whispered, and light pierced the darkness.
You reached into the void and shaped the heavens and the earth.
And when it seemed there could be no more beauty, You created us,
Breathing Your very breath into the dust,
Calling us not just good, but beloved.

Lord, I confess how often I overlook the miracles You place before me daily. I rush past the beauty of a sunrise, forgetting it’s painted by Your hand. I take for granted the air I breathe, the steady beat of my heart, and the intricate design of creation that declares Your glory. I fail to see the miracle of grace in the kind words of a stranger, the unexpected provision in a moment of need, or the peace that carries me through life’s storms. Forgive me for letting the mundane blind me to the miraculous. Open my eyes, Lord, to recognize Your fingerprints in every moment and to live in constant awe of Your presence and power.
The sunrise painting the sky with Your glory.
The gentle rhythm of the ocean waves reminds me of Your steadfast love.
The miracle of each heartbeat, each breath, each moment of life.
In my hurry, I sometimes miss the miracles.
But You, Great I Am, are never in a hurry. You move with precision and purpose,
And Your miracles are always there for those who take a moment to look.
Before I knew You, I was blind to these wonders. I lived in a world veiled in shadows, unable to see the beauty of Your creation. But You, in Your mercy, pulled back the veil. You opened my eyes to Your light, Your hope, and Your unfailing love.
Now I see You everywhere.
In the kindness of a stranger.
In the laughter of a child.
In the peace that comes when the world feels heavy, and I remember that You are God. You remind me that miracles are not always grand and dramatic; Sometimes, they are quiet, like the way You hold the whole world together, Including me, even when I feel like I’m falling apart. My God , My King and the Great I Am, thank You for replacing my hopelessness with hope. For turning my darkness into light, my chaos into peace, my emptiness into love.
Help me to slow down, to see You more, to marvel at the work of Your hands. Teach me to live with eyes wide open to Your miracles, And a heart full of gratitude for the way You show up every single day.
Because before there was anything, there was You. And now, there is everything because – You are You!
Lord, help me see Your miracles today—the big and the small. Open my eyes to Your presence in my life and the world around me. When I grow weary, remind me that You are still creating, still moving, still making all things new. Thank You for being the Great I Am, the One who brings light, hope, and life into every moment. Amen.