No Longer a Slave to Fear

15.With God you are no longer a slave to fear.

Fear has been a debilitating presence in my life, for longer than I care to remember. Trauma left me with deep, painful scars and one constant reminder – fear. Fear can be a cruel master, almost like a bad dream. It conjures up scary scenarios that sometimes never take place.

I have dreamed up fears that seem so real in my mind, that I obsess over them. But when we, as children of the Great I AM. reflect on the word of God and what is written down in the script of our life story, His perfect love casts out all our phobias and denies all our fears and our story blossoms into the perfect story, God’s story.

For you have not received a spirit of slavery leading to fear again, but you have received a spirit of adoption as sons and daughters by which we cry out, “Abba! Father!”

Romans 8:15

Dear Lord, help us to reflect on Your Spirit and the position you have called us for in Your Kingdom, a position of freedom, a position of victory, a position of above and not below. We are Your children, You have adopted us as Your daughters. Help us to walk in the dignity of our calling Amen.

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People. People scare the living daylights out of me. I get

I guess

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