Preparing for the Season

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Morning, ladies! Life on the boat has been a mixture of sunshine and storms lately—both literally and figuratively. We’ve had days where the sea is calm, the sky is clear, and everything feels right. But we’ve also faced struggles—unpredictable winds, rough waters, and moments of doubt. Isn’t that just like life? We don’t always know what’s coming next, but we do know that God calls us to be prepared.

Lately, we’ve talked about forgiveness and freedom, and both play a vital role in preparing us for the seasons ahead. If we hold onto unforgiveness, we remain stuck in past pain when God is trying to lead us forward. If we don’t walk in freedom, we become weighed down by burdens that prevent us from standing firm when seasons change. Today, we’re diving into how we can be spiritually prepared for every season—mourning, rejoicing, waiting, and battling—so we aren’t caught unaware when life shifts.“To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.” – Ecclesiastes 3:1

Life is a series of changing seasons, each ordained by God for a purpose. Some seasons bring joy, while others bring sorrow. There are times of abundance and times of waiting, times of laughter and times of mourning. The question is: are we prepared for these seasons? Do we allow God to equip us so that we are not caught off guard when transitions come? Preparation is key to walking in faith, no matter what season we find ourselves in.

Understanding the Seasons:

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 reminds us that life is not static. Just as nature has seasons, our spiritual journey unfolds in rhythms of planting, growing, harvesting, and resting. When we recognize that every season has a divine purpose, we stop resisting change and start embracing God’s work in us.

Some seasons bring trials that refine our character, while others bring restoration and joy. The key is knowing that God is sovereign in all things. When we trust His timing, we can live with peace rather than fear.

Why Preparation Matters

Seasons change, whether we are ready or not. If we do not prepare our hearts, we risk being overwhelmed, discouraged, or even spiritually stagnant. Preparation helps us to:

  • Stand firm in faith when storms come (Ephesians 6:13).
  • Rejoice in blessings without forgetting the Giver (Deuteronomy 8:10-18).
  • Trust in the waiting rather than grow weary (Isaiah 40:31).
  • Recognize spiritual battles before they overtake us (1 Peter 5:8-9).

When we prepare for what lies ahead, we are not shaken by the unexpected. Instead, we remain anchored in Christ, knowing that no season is wasted in God’s hands.

How to Prepare for Each Season

1. Seasons of Mourning

“Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.” – Matthew 5:4

Loss and sorrow are part of life. If we strengthen our faith before hardship comes, we will be able to lean on God’s comfort rather than fall into despair. Prepare by building deep intimacy with God, so that when mourning comes, you can rest in His promises.

2. Seasons of Joy

“Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!” – Philippians 4:4

Joyful seasons are gifts from God, but they require humility and gratitude. When life is good, it’s easy to forget our dependence on God. Preparing for these seasons means keeping our hearts thankful and generous, using our blessings to glorify Him.

3. Seasons of Waiting

“Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for Him.” – Psalm 37:7

Waiting is one of the hardest seasons to endure. It can feel like nothing is happening, but in reality, God is working behind the scenes. Preparing for waiting seasons means developing patience, trusting in God’s perfect timing, and resisting the urge to take matters into our own hands.

4. Seasons of Spiritual Battle

“Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.” – Ephesians 6:11

Difficulties and temptations will come. The best way to prepare is by staying rooted in God’s Word, wearing His armor daily, and surrounding ourselves with godly counsel. If we wait until the battle is upon us to seek God, we may struggle unnecessarily.


The Blessing of a Prepared Heart

A prepared heart is a steadfast heart. When we align our lives with God’s wisdom and seek Him daily, we walk in peace regardless of the season. We become a testimony to others, showing that God’s grace is sufficient in all circumstances (2 Corinthians 12:9). Seasons will change, but our foundation in Christ remains unshaken.

The Challenge and Beauty of Walking Through Seasons

Navigating life’s seasons is both difficult and humbling. We may face moments when the weight of sorrow presses in, or when joy feels fleeting, leaving us longing for what was. There are times when waiting feels like an eternity, and times when the battle is so fierce we wonder if we have the strength to stand. Yet, through it all, God remains constant.

Preparing for these seasons is not about having all the answers but about having the faith to trust in the One who does. It is about surrender—about acknowledging that we cannot control time, but we can walk in step with the One who holds it. This is humbling because it reminds us of our dependence on God, and yet, it is also freeing because it lifts the burden of striving off our shoulders.

The Holy Spirit plays a vital role in this journey. He is our Counselor, our Guide, and our Strength. He prepares us by convicting us where we need refining, comforting us when we are weary, and reminding us of God’s promises when doubt creeps in. He keeps us accountable, gently nudging us toward truth when we stray and empowering us to stand firm when trials come.

I want to end this post reminding each of us that life’s seasons are constantly shifting—some bring warmth and abundance, while others test us with barrenness and storms. But when we live prepared, we do not just endure them—we grow through them. In every season, God is shaping us, refining our faith, and drawing us closer to Him. We learn to mourn with hope, knowing sorrow is not the end of our story. We wait with patience, trusting that His timing is perfect. We battle with courage, standing firm in His promises. And we rejoice with gratitude, recognizing His hand in every moment.

No season is wasted in God’s plan. Whether we are in a time of planting, pruning, or harvest, His faithfulness remains unshaken. In the coming weeks, we will explore how to be spiritually ready for every season—how to anchor ourselves in His Word, stand firm when the winds blow, and embrace each moment with confidence in His perfect will.

No matter what season you are in today, take heart—God is with you, and He is working all things out for your good.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for being the Lord of every season.

Help me to trust Your timing and to prepare my heart for whatever lies ahead. In seasons of mourning, remind me of Your comfort. In seasons of joy, keep my heart humble. In times of waiting, strengthen my patience. And in times of battle, equip me with Your full armor.

May I always walk in faith, knowing that You are working all things out for my good.

In Jesus’ name, Amen

Birds Gwennie

In the next few weeks join me as we explore these different seasons, explore how we can prepare our hearts, our minds and stay connected to God in each of them.

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