All hands on deck

Anchored in Hope is a new vision that God planted in our hearts. You may have read that we lost all our savings due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the damage it caused to our business.

We are embarking on this mission regardless. We are convinced that God will provide the resources we need to reach those that His heart yearns for. We are sailing close to the wind but you can help to make it happen by coming on board with us.

If like us you’re also struggling financially then please don’t feel that you can’t contribute. You can help us in the following ways:

  • Pray for us. We need your prayers for guidance and for our safety
  • Join the conversation by signing up for our newsletter and following us on social media.
  • Share our videos, posts, and articles with your network of friends and family.
  • You will see advertisements in different areas of the website. We earn a very small commission at no cost to you if you click on any of the ads to visit the advertiser’s website. This goes towards the cost of running this website.

You can also help us financially or donate to our cause in a number of ways:

  • Buy my books! Click here to see them on Amazon.
  • Hire us. If you like this website then let us build one for your business. Contact us to see how we can help you at
  • You can donate blankets, food, clothing, school supplies, and Bibles. Contact us at for details on how and where you can send your donations.
  • Make a donation using Paypal. Click on the Donate button below.