Good morning, ladies! Last night, after Andre went to bed, I felt a deep urge to put on some worship music, take out my Bible, and spend time in prayer and worship. It reminded me of the time I spent in my office before moving onto the boat. My office was a true sanctuary, a place where the silence could allow me to listen and not just speak. My office and especially my table had witnessed countless tears—tears of surrender, forgiveness, and joy. Many nights, I found myself flat on my stomach in that office, worshipping my Father and surrendering my will to His.
That brings me to the heart of today’s message—surrendering our lives to God. Every single one of us is born with a deep, intrinsic need—a hollow place within our souls that yearns to be filled. We search far and wide, trying to satisfy this emptiness with relationships, achievements, material possessions, or fleeting pleasures. Yet, no matter where we turn or how much we accumulate, that space remains untouched, because it wasn’t designed to be filled by the world. This emptiness is a divine longing, a sacred space that only God Himself can occupy. We may try to fill it with countless things, but these attempts will always leave us wanting, restless, and unsatisfied.
The truth is, it’s only when we come to the realization that Jesus is the one our souls have been longing for, that we can finally find true peace and fulfilment. The surrender is about giving up our will; it’s about letting go of the things that cannot satisfy and embracing the One who can. When we invite Jesus into that empty space, He doesn’t just fill it—He overflows it with His love, grace, and purpose. It’s in this surrender that we find our true identity and the wholeness our hearts have been desperately seeking. Only in Him can we be truly complete, for He is the source of all we need.
There comes a time in every woman’s life when the weight of the world seems unbearable. The moments of gut-wrenching pain, the breaking of spirits, and the soul-destroying news that shatters everything you once held dear. Death of loved ones, loss of marriages, illness, rape, abuse—the list is long, and sometimes the pain isn’t even that defined. Sometimes, it’s a word spoken in anger, a fight with your husband, or the overwhelming demands of work, kids, and being the caretaker of your home. You’ve become the woman everyone leans on, but when you need someone to lean on, you find yourself alone.
“When the world tells you to give up, God whispers, ‘Keep going. I am with you.'”
– Anchored In Hope
The truth is girlfriend, this is not your end—this is your beginning. It’s time to rise from the ashes of despair and claim your identity as the warrior God intended you to be.
1. Break Free from the Lie
The enemy whispers lies into your ear, telling you that you are weak, that your tears are a sign of failure. But remember, God has not given you a spirit of fear but of power, love, and a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). It’s time to reject the lie that your tears make you “weak.” Tears are a release, a way of cleansing your soul. But after the tears, there is strength. There is power. There is God’s unshakeable promise to you.
I’ve always told myself, “Gwen, you have 15 minutes to feel what you’re feeling, and then it’s time to get over yourself and stand up.” Of course, there have been moments when those 15 minutes stretched into days, even weeks, but I refused to stay defeated. There were times when getting through each day felt like a monumental task—where ten minutes of despair felt like an eternity. Yet, even in those moments, I made a conscious decision to drag myself up by the bootstraps and take just one more step forward.

Sometimes, that forward motion was painfully slow. It wasn’t always a quick recovery; there were seasons where it took six months or more of simply putting one foot in front of the other, trudging through the darkness. But no matter how long it took, I kept moving, trusting that God’s promise of joy would come with the morning. And eventually, it did. The night may have been long, but His faithfulness carried me through, proving that even in the most challenging seasons, perseverance brings hope, and joy is always on the horizon.
2. Embrace Your God-Given Strength
You were never meant to crumble under the weight of your trials. God has equipped you with everything you need to overcome. He calls you to be strong and courageous (Joshua 1:9). This doesn’t mean you won’t feel pain; it means that through the pain, you will find the strength to stand. Just as David found strength in the Lord when all seemed lost (1 Samuel 30:6), so too can you find your strength in Him.
3. Rise as the Warrior You Are
Your battles are not fought alone. God goes before you, and He fights for you (Deuteronomy 20:4). The moment you decide to stand up, to refuse to be defeated by your circumstances, is the moment you step into your true identity. You are a warrior, not because of what you can do, but because of what God can do through you. Remember, the Lord trains your hands for battle and your fingers for war (Psalm 144:1). You are not defenceless; you are equipped.
4. Lean on the Everlasting Arms
When it feels like everyone has left you, and you’re standing alone in your battle, know that God is always there. “The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms” (Deuteronomy 33:27). When you can’t stand anymore, He will hold you up. When you have no one to lean on, He is your strength. When your heart is overwhelmed, lead yourself to the rock that is higher than you (Psalm 61:2).
5. The Victory is Yours
The battle you face today is not the end of your story. God has promised you victory. “But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Corinthians 15:57). Your victory may not look like what you imagined, but it is guaranteed because God is with you. He will never leave you nor forsake you (Hebrews 13:5).
So rise up, woman of God. Shake off the dust of defeat, wipe away your tears, and step into the fullness of who God has called you to be. You are not weak—you are a warrior, chosen and equipped by God to overcome. The world may throw its worst at you, but with God by your side, you are more than a conqueror (Romans 8:37).
Lord, I thank You for the strength You have placed within me. Help me to rise above my circumstances and claim the victory that is already mine through Christ. When I feel weak, remind me that You are my strength. When I feel alone, remind me that You are always with me. Equip me to be the warrior You have called me to be, and let me stand firm in Your promises. In Jesus’ name, Amen.