The Courage to Rise Above Self-Doubt


I love the topic of courage I don’t know if I like it so much because I have wanted to find some for myself. Many years of fear left me thinking I had no courage, keeping me in bondage thinking that I would never climb out of this grave that I had crawled into. But that my dear friend is a lie from the enemy and you crawling into a spot to re-group and get your wits about you, that is not defeat its strategy. We are not soldiers but in God’s army we have become weapons. Weapons of warfare fighting alongside the Father who goes forth as a warrior and when the the war is appraching God gives a war cry because VICTORY is His.

The Battle is God’s
Isaiah 42:13 “The Lord will go forth like a warrior, He will arouse His zeal like a man of war. He will utter a shout, yes, He will raise a war cry. He will prevail against His enemies.”

It’s time for our VICTORY cry ladies, we don’t just House the Holy Spirit, but we house every promise every, prophetic word ever spoken over man. Let’s delve into the topic of courage and its profound impact on women in today’s challenging world, drawing inspiration from Christian principles and Bible verses.

1. The Courage to Rise Above Self-Doubt

In a world where words can either uplift or wound, women often grapple with self-doubt. The inner critic whispers, “You’re not ready,” “You lack experience,” or “Why you?” Yet, high-achieving women choose a different path. They focus not on bolstering their confidence but on cultivating courage. Why? Because courage transcends mere self-assurance; it empowers us to act boldly despite fear.

Small Acts of Courage: Don’t underestimate the impact of seemingly insignificant acts of courage. Whether it’s speaking up in a meeting, pursuing a new opportunity, or defending a just cause, each step matters. These small acts accumulate, shaping our character and resilience.

Courage Across Life Domains: Courage isn’t confined to career decisions alone. It permeates every facet of life. In relationships, it means vulnerability and forgiveness. In personal growth, it’s about embracing change and learning. By practicing courage holistically, women navigate life’s twists and turns with grace.

Tomorrow Anew: When fear paralyzes, remember the promise: “Try again tomorrow.” Each day brings fresh opportunities. Joshua, in the Bible, received this charge: “Be strong and courageous” (Joshua 1:9). God’s presence accompanies us, dispelling fear. Our courage rests not in our abilities but in His unwavering support.

2. Biblical Encouragement for Courage

The Bible resounds with exhortations to be strong and courageous. Let these verses anchor your spirit:

  • 1 Chronicles 28:20: David’s counsel to Solomon echoes through generations: “Be strong and courageous.” God’s presence sustains us, walks with us, governs us in every aspect of our lives, ensuring we won’t falter.
  • 1 Corinthians 15:58: Our labor in the Lord is never in vain. Stand firm, knowing that courage fuels purposeful work.
  • Deuteronomy 31:6-8: Moses imparts courage to Joshua, who faces an unknown land. God goes before us, never leaving nor forsaking. Fear dissipates in His presence.
  • Ephesians 6:10: “Finally, be strong in the Lord.” Our strength lies not in self-sufficiency but in surrender to His mighty power.
  • Isaiah 54:4: Fear not disgrace; God redeems our past. His peace surpasses worldly understanding (John 14:27).
  • Psalm 27:1: The Lord is our light and stronghold. Whom shall we fear?
  • 2 Timothy 1:7: God’s Spirit gifts us power, love, and self-discipline. Fear retreats; courage emerges.

As women, let’s draw from this wellspring of courage. May our words uplift, our actions inspire, and our faith encourage us to navigate life’s storms with unwavering trust in God’s promises. The biggest and most rewarding act of courage I have ever had was surrendering my life to God. I took the mess that was me and I gave it to Jesus and I got the Saviour, Father, Warrior, Bright Morning Star Jesus in my place. It is no longer me that is living but He that lives in me ~ Every time I grasp this concept anew, I burst into tears all over again, I no longer live BUT He lives in me ~ Sjoe

Birds Gwennie

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