As I sit here on Anchored in Hope, my heart is filled with gratitude as I reflect on who God is to me and the countless blessings He has given. Life has shown me that joy is not something we accidentally stumble upon; it is often a deliberate choice we must make. Through the many counselling sessions I’ve had this year, I’ve encountered so many broken women who have lost their joy. I’ve come to see how easy it is for us to struggle with allowing joy into our lives. The burdens we carry can become so deeply familiar that they begin to feel like home. Without realizing it, we grow attached to the darkness, finding a strange comfort in the heaviness of our despair, even letting it shape our words and define our perspective.
Sometimes, it’s easier to remain in that place of negativity because change feels overwhelming. Choosing joy means confronting the hard work of healing—it can be scary, painful, and uncertain. Yet, as I reflect on this season of celebration, the truth shines through: we have a choice. We can choose how we respond to life’s difficulties, how much of the pain we allow to linger, and how much of Jesus we invite into those places.
The birth of Jesus reminds us of the incredible gifts God has given us: hope, faith, and love. These gifts are not just distant ideas—they are living truths that ignite joy within us when we embrace them. Hope gives us something to look forward to, faith strengthens our trust in God’s plan, and love reassures us that we are cherished beyond measure. Together, these gifts lead us to joy, a joy that is rooted in the unshakable reality of Christ.
As the lights dim and the festive season winds down, the echo of Christmas lingers in our hearts. It’s easy to feel a sense of loss as the celebrations fade and life resumes its usual rhythm. Yet, the joy of Christmas was never meant to be confined to a single day. It is a joy that transcends the holiday—a divine gift that continues to sustain us every moment of the year.
The angel’s proclamation to the shepherds on that holy night wasn’t merely a call to celebrate—it was an announcement of enduring joy for all people: “I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people.” (Luke 2:10). This joy was anchored not in fleeting moments or material things but in the birth of Jesus Christ, the Savior who came to bring redemption and hope.
Joy is not the absence of trials but the presence of Jesus in the midst of them.
– Anchored In Hope
Now that the decorations are being packed away and the world shifts its focus, we are reminded that true joy doesn’t fade with the season. It isn’t found in the gifts exchanged or the gatherings shared. Instead, it is found in the One who was laid in a manger—the eternal gift of God’s love.
This joy is unshakable, rooted in the unchanging nature of God’s promises. It’s a joy that sustains us in the mundane and strengthens us in the trials. It’s the assurance that we are loved, that God is with us, and that His grace is sufficient for every day ahead.
As I reflect on these truths, I am reminded that joy isn’t something we must find or earn—it is a gift waiting for us to receive. It starts with a decision to step out of the darkness and into the light of His presence, to let go of what weighs us down and embrace the fullness of what He offers.
As we step into the days beyond Christmas, let us carry this joy with us—not as a memory of a season past, but as a living truth that fills our hearts. Let the world’s fleeting happiness pass, but hold tightly to the joy that only Christ can give.
The beauty of this joy is that it grows when shared. Just as the shepherds ran to tell others of the Savior’s birth, we too are called to spread the joy of Jesus, reflecting His love and light in a world that so desperately needs it.
So, as we move forward, remember: the gift of joy given at Christmas is yours to hold every day. It is the joy of knowing Christ, the joy of being His, and the joy of walking in His unending grace. Let this joy be your anchor and your song, a reminder that the Savior’s love never fades and His promises endure forever.

Heavenly Father,
I come before You with a heart full of gratitude and wonder for the gift of joy that You have given us through Jesus Christ. Lord, in this season that follows the celebration of His birth, help me to remember that joy is not tied to the fleeting moments of a holiday or the gifts exchanged, but to the eternal truth of Your presence with us.
Thank You for the hope that was proclaimed to the shepherds on that holy night, a hope that still echoes in our hearts today. Thank You for sending Your Son to be our Savior, to walk among us, and to bring light into the darkest corners of our lives. It is in Him that I find joy—a joy that cannot be shaken by trials or stolen by circumstances.
Lord, I confess that it can be hard to choose joy when life feels overwhelming. There are times when the burdens I carry feel too heavy, and the darkness of despair seems more familiar than the light of Your truth. But, Father, You call me to step out of that darkness and into Your marvellous light. You remind me that joy is not something I must strive for—it is a gift You freely give, a fruit of Your Spirit dwelling within me.
Help me, Lord, to embrace this joy every day. Teach me to rest in Your promises, to trust in Your plan, and to remember that Your love for me is unchanging. Fill my heart with gratitude for the hope, faith, and love You have poured into my life. Let these gifts ignite a joy within me that overflows into every moment and every interaction.
As I move into this new season, may Your joy be my strength. When life feels mundane, remind me that You are with me. When challenges arise, let Your joy anchor me in peace. When I feel weary, renew my spirit with the truth that I am loved and cherished by You.
Father, may this joy not only fill my heart but also spill over to those around me. Help me to share the light of Christ with others, to be a reflection of His love in a world that is often weary and searching. Let my life be a testimony of the joy that comes from knowing and walking with You.
Thank You, Lord, for the indescribable gift of Your Son, for the joy that is ours because of Him, and for the promise that Your joy will sustain us through every season. I praise You for being the source of all joy, for being my constant hope, and for drawing me closer to You with each passing day.
In Jesus’ precious name, I pray. Amen.