Use Your Voice

10.God has given you the words stand up and use your voice.

Sometimes the thought of talking to people about God makes me cringe. I was giving our new puppy, Jayda, a bath on the deck the other day when I said out loud: “I don’t want to do it!”

Andre somehow knew to get the dinghy in the water while I reluctantly got dressed to go to the beach. On the beach, there was a group of people praying. I walked over to them (still with trepidation) and all that God told me was to say: “You’re waiting for an answer.” – Right then He took over!

What happened there on the beach in the next hour or so can only be described as amazing and miraculous but that’s a story for another day.

The Holy Spirit will give you the words to say at the moment when you need them.

Luke 12:12

God does not need us to speak on His behalf. God wants to love on each of His children Himself, but for that, He does want you to show up. He wants you to make yourself available because He’s got kids out there who are lost and confused and He wants to pick them up onto His lap and give them the love they need.

As women, we were made to show love so challenge yourself. First, be silent and wait for Him. Don’t fight it. Go to the ones He shows you and then use your voice. God will give you the words…

Father, I’m sorry for all the missed opportunities to share your love with people who needed it. I pray that you will help me to find my voice so that You may use it for Your glory. Amen.

Birds Gwennie

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