A Love Tap From Jesus 13

Don’t let this pain run ahead of you, don’t give it another day,
know the name of the Saviour who goes before you.
Know the God who stands beside you..
for I Am is Able.
Lie soft in my embrace, rest your weary head, for I Am is Able.
I Am the chosen one, I carried this burden to the cross, lay down my little one,
rest your sweet precious head, for I Am is Able.
Lift your hands, clean out your heart, for I Am is Able
Hold on, cling to me until you see the light, for I Am is Able.
Even in the darkness, when you cry your hardest,
hold on sweet one, for I Am is Able.
My grace will cover you, my blood will restore you.
For I Am is Able.
I will stay close to you, I love you sweet one.
Close your eyes and rest in me, for I Am is Able
When you struggle to fight, I will fight, for I Am is Able.
My strength is enough to sustain you,
to uphold you, to free you.
Rest little one, lay down your sweet weary head,
for I have died for you.
My name is Jesus son of true living God,
and I Am enough.

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