Don’t let this pain run ahead of you, don’t give it another day,
know the name of the Saviour who goes before you.
Know the God who stands beside you..
for I Am is Able.
Lie soft in my embrace, rest your weary head, for I Am is Able.
I Am the chosen one, I carried this burden to the cross, lay down my little one,
rest your sweet precious head, for I Am is Able.
Lift your hands, clean out your heart, for I Am is Able
Hold on, cling to me until you see the light, for I Am is Able.
Even in the darkness, when you cry your hardest,
hold on sweet one, for I Am is Able.
My grace will cover you, my blood will restore you.
For I Am is Able.
I will stay close to you, I love you sweet one.
Close your eyes and rest in me, for I Am is Able
When you struggle to fight, I will fight, for I Am is Able.
My strength is enough to sustain you,
to uphold you, to free you.
Rest little one, lay down your sweet weary head,
for I have died for you.
My name is Jesus son of true living God,
and I Am enough.

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