
He that loveth silver shall not be satisfied with silver; nor he that loveth abundance with increase: this is also vanity.

Ecclesiasties 5:10

When we live in balance, focused on God the need for money will no longer rule our lives. We will become balanced in our needs, acknowledging that money is a requirement but not everything.

Living for God is to be our first priority, the rest if balanced will speak of the God that we serve.

Dear Lord in a world where everything revolves around money. Help me to stay focused on You and not focus on having too much or too little. Teach me that You are my provider – Jehovah Jireh. You will sustain me and care for me. My need for money will not overtake my need for You. Amen

This Storm will not break me

Knowing that in this storm You will provide. Hallelujah, Sweet Jesus.

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