
What to write... I think many of us when faced with the prospect of putting ourselves on a page come up empty.  I am Gwen, the wife of an amazing husband.  I have two wonderful children of my own and Andre has three beautiful girls. I am the grandmother of 7 grandkids.   I have loved God my whole life, I can't remember a time without God. He has been the air that I breathe since I can remember.  Today Andre and I are doing the one thing I never thought I would have the courage to do.  We are sailing. Living on our boat full time, while we tell the world why He is worth serving.

Who Am I Lord

So many times putting on the mask is just so much easier, in our relationships with our husbands, families, friends, and even strangers it seems as if the only time the mask can come off is with God. That moment when you plant your weary soul into His lap and wait to hear Him say Gwen you are mine, loved, cherished, and forgiven.

Who Am I Lord Read More »

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