A Praying Woman

Preparing for the Season

Preparing for these seasons is not about having all the answers but about having the faith to trust in the One who does. It is about surrender—about acknowledging that we cannot control time, but we can walk in step with the One who holds it. This is humbling because it reminds us of our dependence on God, and yet, it is also freeing because it lifts the burden of striving off our shoulders.

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The Boogeyman of My Past

I can’t rewrite the past. I can’t unmake the mother I was. But I can surrender what remains. I can place it into the hands of a God who heals, who restores, who makes all things new. And I can rejoice, knowing that my daughter has broken the cycle. That she has chosen faith over fear. That she is raising her daughter not in the shadows of what was, but in the light of what can be.

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I Bring You Good News That Will Cause Great Joy

When the angel announced the good news of salvation, he declared that it would bring great joy to all people—not because of a change in circumstances, but because of the arrival of Emmanuel — God with us. This is the joy that transcends every temporary emotion. It’s the joy that comes from knowing that God has entered our world to be with us, to redeem us, and to give us hope.

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