
What to write... I think many of us when faced with the prospect of putting ourselves on a page come up empty.  I am Gwen, the wife of an amazing husband.  I have two wonderful children of my own and Andre has three beautiful girls. I am the grandmother of 7 grandkids.   I have loved God my whole life, I can't remember a time without God. He has been the air that I breathe since I can remember.  Today Andre and I are doing the one thing I never thought I would have the courage to do.  We are sailing. Living on our boat full time, while we tell the world why He is worth serving.

The Bride of Christ

They choose this union together. Knowing that this choice requires sacrifice, it will not always be easy. They started out separate; two people but one life. Becoming one flesh is the most intimate of all relationships, it takes work not only on the wedding day but every day. Is this is also true for the bride of Christ?

The Bride of Christ Read More »

I am Created as Loved

I sometimes wonder why God didn’t just let everyone die and start over with our race. Why walk with them in the wilderness, and rescue them from Egypt?  Why did God not save His son and create an obedient nation of people?

The reason is we serve a father who, with precision, stitched us together in our mother’s womb. He created each one with care and love, each mould unique. Each one with special talents, special plans, and a special calling. A life that was mapped out inside the word of God.

I am Created as Loved Read More »

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