Do Not be Afraid, Just Believe.

Morning Ladies, I hope you have had a good night and got a chance to breathe before the expectancies of the day have taken over.

In the midst of fear God still says, dear daughter of mine, don’t listen, just believe.

In our busy lives, we have loads of people we come into contact with and that means, that we have both negative and positive input, all day. If we read Mark 5:36 the crux of this verse is that we don’t need to listen to them; just trust God. So you might hear all these opinions, but God says even if you hear them, just listen to Him.

We can sometimes become fearful when we receive bad news. BUT in the midst of that fear God still says, dear daughter of mine, don’t listen, just believe.

Lord thank you that you remind us in your word, who we need to listen to Amen

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