God Will Believe You

Sometimes I suffer in silence. Sometimes I put on my brave face. Sometimes I hide away from the world to cry where nobody can see me. Sometimes? … most of the time ? … all the time!

I have to be strong. Always. I have to be brave. Always. I will not show you that I’m in pain. Never. I will not let you be sorry for me.

After going through multiple surgeries, chemo and radiation, I was a shadow of my former self. I live with constant pain from a back injury and I must take high doses of medicine to prevent me from having seizures. People don’t realize that I suffer from these problems because my pride does not allow me to be vulnerable.

This is how I fight my battles
This is how I fight my battles
This is how I fight my battles

It may look like I’m surrounded
But I’m surrounded by You
It may look like I’m surrounded
But I’m surrounded by You

Elyssa Smith

Thankfully I have a living saviour to turn to. Jesus turns His ear to me when I cry out. My God is faithful. When no one else sees, God sees. My Father surrounds me with His embrace and He will do this for you too.

Thank you, Jesus, for being ever-present in my life. Thank you for believing me when I cry out to You. I pray that it be Your will that I can overcome the pain and the weakness of my body and that it may be used for Your glory. Father, please comfort my sister praying with me today. Show her Lord that she is loved. That she is important. That You have a purpose for her and that her story will become her testimony. Amen

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