It’s Inevitable

Girls I have good news. God wants you to know that He has a gift for you. He’s giving you a makeover!

You see, once you get to know Christ through an intimate personal relationship with Him – you are going to change. Beauty and grace will start radiating from you. You become royalty. A queen of the royal house. The Angels will attend to you. You will be dressed in the finest robes. You will be “adorned with gold and silver.”

So you were adorned with gold and silver; your clothes were of fine linen and costly fabric and embroidered cloth. Your food was honey, olive oil and the finest flour. You became very beautiful and rose to be a queen.

Ezekiel 16:13

God created you beautiful, and the closer you grow to Him, the more beautiful you become on the inside. It’s inevitable. You will have a light and a fire inside you that cannot be put out. God wants you to shine. He wants you to feel beautiful and confident. He wants you to be His queen.

Father, I don’t always feel beautiful. Some days I have pain and the hurt of this world becomes too much. Father, please give me the strength to stand up and walk proud as the queen you created me to be. Light the fire inside of me Lord so that I may be your representative here on earth and carry the royal crown with dignity and grace. Amen.

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