Mercy will follow me

In the midst of life, the hard stuff. That spot where the tekkie (shoe) hits the ground and you are faced with running or falling. You ask yourself where is God can He not see what is happening right now.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. Psalm 23:6

Because we serve a God that says His mercy and His goodness are yours and they will be yours for the rest of your life and beyond. Because with Christ we live on even in death.

Mercy will follow you, will rescue you, and will assure you of everlasting life. The life that will come in spite of the bad. Because we serve a God that says His mercy and His goodness are yours and they will be yours for the rest of your life and beyond. We can know in the midst of anguish, in those moments when it’s so hard to see the sun for all the clouds.

His word echos the truth throughout all its pages, we live on even in dying. Mercy will follow you, will rescue you, and will assure you of everlasting life. The good that will come in spite of the bad.

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