
I can relate to Jesus who would get into a boat to get away from the crowds. Living on a sailboat gives me a LOT of time to reflect on life and to have intimate conversations with my Creator. I do my best to share those conversations, thoughts and insights with you in this corner of our blog.

Kind Words

I always try to do something loving for my husband, sometimes the day ends and all it was, was a cup of coffee. Imagine if all men knew that they were loved and important if they knew that we would not give up even if it got tough. Don’t overlook the impact of a kind […]

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Promised land

How many times has God not removed you from a situation, and exchanged it for a life of victory and you have returned back to your old story? Gone back to past hurts, past habits past situations to repeat your mistakes and miss out on your promised land. Don’t look back, look forward and walk

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The journey

This seems appropriate for the day as Andre is turning 51, and I realize that this took some growing on my part. You start out in a marriage selfish, not understanding that when you put your spouse first, you are putting yourself first. Your need to be loved, your need to be comforted, your need

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I love a cup of coffee with the word of God. So take a moment get yourself a hot cup of coffee and join me. You want to hear this. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this, While we were still sinners Christ died for us. Romans 5:8 – Can you imagine

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Godly Change

Let’s build each other up… The most common remarks regarding this verse suggest that interaction with the people around us can influence their manner, appearance, deportment, and character. It can sharpen his wits, controls his conduct, and brighten his very face. Isn’t that the impact you would want on the person you come in contact

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Agape Love

Romans 8:35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? It’s in these verses that we are reminded of God’s love. Because Jesus Christ is love… Agape love. Agape is the fourth word for love derived from the word of

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We enjoyed a beautiful sail today: As we sailed from Saldanha to Langebaan lagoon. We had higher waves than normal rolling in from the ocean. At a stage, the water was very choppy and my mind started panicking and I became so afraid. We were in no danger and we had sailed many many times

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Lamentations 3:22-23 The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. Life is hard, and its struggles are real. We are the mothers and fathers of the men and women building on the futures of the next generation. That sentence

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My Tears

When it’s tough… When everything is going wrong, and the day can’t get any worse. Even trying to get positive is just not working. Let your brokenness be your love dance, your worship song to the Saviour. We might not understand the tears that won’t stop flowing… but we serve a God who does.

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Psalm 139:14 I will give thanks and praise to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, And my soul knows it very well. This verse is like a soothing balm to my soul… if I read this I feel like I am dancing in a field with flowers… enjoying the

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Kind words

When my brothers and I had angry words with each other, I can remember how my mom would always say, if you don’t have anything good to say about each other, rather keep quiet. While I read this verse, I remember those days of my childhood and I realize as an adult the significance of

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Faith, believing, and trusting in God in spite of what you see… Last night we experienced that faith while sailing between Paternoster and Langebaan… Sometimes things are just too hard to stay standing. That’s when faith steps in. “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” (Hebrews 11:1)

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My Worship song

When we intentionally seek out God… On this Sunday where some people find themselves intentionally seeking out the Lord, and attending church or joining an online church group…We can rejoice in knowing that God in His infinite wisdom knew us. He loved us, He rejoiced over us.. Before we were born He wove us together

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Don’t miss out

I have been thinking about all the haters in the world. I realized it’s easy to miss your salvation while you are focused on the ideas and opinions of those around you. It’s hard to stand up and proclaim God because it puts you in the unpopular box. but Jesus warned us, our Father let

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