
What to write... I think many of us when faced with the prospect of putting ourselves on a page come up empty.  I am Gwen, the wife of an amazing husband.  I have two wonderful children of my own and Andre has three beautiful girls. I am the grandmother of 7 grandkids.   I have loved God my whole life, I can't remember a time without God. He has been the air that I breathe since I can remember.  Today Andre and I are doing the one thing I never thought I would have the courage to do.  We are sailing. Living on our boat full time, while we tell the world why He is worth serving.

I have won the war

Now this is a love tap girls, isn’t God so amazing. Sometimes when we go to battle we return home, battled, bruised, and defeated. BUT God is saying NO…Return Home with your battle cry, shake your booty girls, and do your victory dance people. Today we will not return defeated we will return in victory […]

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Our seed

Isn’t this so true? I am so grateful that God gave me someone to share my love for God with. The more I love Andre the more I want to do for him. This includes the love I have for God and my kids, family, and friends. Love multiplies itself and I think that’s why

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Our refuge

I love this verse it fills my heart with joy, it sets my feet on solid ground and my soul sores all in one breath… It puts butterflies in my stomach as I realize where I am. May the LORD reward you for what you have done, and may you receive a full reward from

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He has risen

“And the angel answered and said unto the women, Fear not ye: for I know that ye seek Jesus, which was crucified. He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay. And go quickly, and tell his disciples that he has risen from the dead;

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Lord, in the space between you and me, I can feel healing, acceptance and so much love.. thank you for reminding me of what you did on the cross when you came to rescue me. May I always tell everybody what you did for me.

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I love to be loved, and I think giving love is even better. Just imagine if marriages could be fixed before we get a chance to break them. what a wonderful world that would be. Imagine if Marriages Could be fixed before we get a chance to break them!

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There was a time when I was going through a terrible time being sick and trying to preach. It took so much out of me and I would ask God why would I be punished so terribly. As I did my bible study that morning I read: Hebrews 12:10 They disciplined us for a little

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True Love

I want to play devil’s advocate for a minute… If God is love, do you think that people who don’t know God know how to love? If you don’t know how to love can you save a broken marriage or damaged people? It’s an interesting question and it was one of the verses that God

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Kind Words

I always try to do something loving for my husband, sometimes the day ends and all it was, was a cup of coffee. Imagine if all men knew that they were loved and important if they knew that we would not give up even if it got tough. Don’t overlook the impact of a kind

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Promised land

How many times has God not removed you from a situation, and exchanged it for a life of victory and you have returned back to your old story? Gone back to past hurts, past habits past situations to repeat your mistakes and miss out on your promised land. Don’t look back, look forward and walk

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The journey

This seems appropriate for the day as Andre is turning 51, and I realize that this took some growing on my part. You start out in a marriage selfish, not understanding that when you put your spouse first, you are putting yourself first. Your need to be loved, your need to be comforted, your need

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I love a cup of coffee with the word of God. So take a moment get yourself a hot cup of coffee and join me. You want to hear this. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this, While we were still sinners Christ died for us. Romans 5:8 – Can you imagine

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