
We enjoyed a beautiful sail today: As we sailed from Saldanha to Langebaan lagoon.

We had higher waves than normal rolling in from the ocean. At a stage, the water was very choppy and my mind started panicking and I became so afraid. We were in no danger and we had sailed many many times in those conditions. I realized that I was being irrational and that I needed to go back to the word of God.

2 Timothy 1:7 reminded me that I must be of sound mind to be able to fight the good fight, and endurance to strike good blows for the kingdom of God.

Without a sound mind, I lacked the steadfastness I needed to resist the temptation.

This temptation was giving in to my fear. I am so glad that in these times we can go to our heavenly Father and confess these weaknesses and know that there will be no condemnation only love.

So glad that didn’t last long and I could pray about it and leave it at the foot of the cross… this allowed me to focus on the sailing. We got to our destination threw out our anchor and we are now in a good spot for the winds that are on their way.

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