Agape Love

Romans 8:35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? It’s in these verses that we are reminded of God’s love. Because Jesus Christ is love…

Agape love. Agape is the fourth word for love derived from the word of God and it’s the word used when defining ‘God’s love’. It is a love that loves continually never changing. It is a self-given love that continues to give without demanding or expecting repayment.

The love of Christ is so great that it can be given to the unlovable or unappealing. It is a love that loves even when it is rejected or facing continual rejection. Agape love gives and loves because it is pure love the Godly love; it does not demand or expect repayment from the love it gives. It gives love, not in order to receive but for the sake of giving.

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